In conversation

work processes from a personal perspective

We view project work from the inside out, as complex processes that are described simply from an individual perspective.

In this series of talks, the course of choreographic projects is described from the perspective of individual areas of work in order to make interactions, critical factors and opportunities in the collaboration between the various disciplines visible. The aim is to develop a better understanding of the needs and challenges of colleagues and to make collaboration (easier).

The idea of a project dramaturgy, i.e. a structured course of an entire project (and not just the resulting performance), provides a view of the relationships and dynamics within the team and reveals opportunities for action.

We will be publishing more videos in the coming months (Mechtild Tellmann "Project dramaturgy: Acquisition", Judith Jäger "Production management", Felix Wittek "Finances"). Sign up for our newsletter (below) or follow us on Instagram to make sure you don't miss anything!

Subtitles are available! You can activate them with the settings button in the video (the little wheel next to the Youtube logo). Please choose “Untertitel” and “Englisch”.

Project dramaturgy: production management with Judith Jaeger

Project dramaturgy: Dramaturgy with Matthias Quabbe

Project dramaturgy: Acquisition with Mechtild Tellmann

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